Saturday, June 30, 2012
It's saturday, it's summer: A mighty fine day I'd say! I opted for a simple pair of pink shorts (H&M), a floral top (Primark) and some laid back pink bracelets (H&M). The funniest part is that the bracelets are the most expensive piece of this outfit, haha!
Friday, June 29, 2012
The future
I'll be moving to Berlin in 9 months and have decided to get rid of (almost) all my current furniture and get new pieces once I move. Needless to say that I've become quite obsessed with browsing through certain webpages seeking for inspiration. Naturally I ended up loving a lot of IKEA stuff, so here's a bit of what I'd like to get in a few months:
Sunday, June 24, 2012
The sandals I've picked up at Primark are too small. This is why one should always walk around while trying shoes on. I only tried them on while sitting down, silly me. Maybe I'll find the time to list them on Ebay in between watching TV and bumming around on a Sunday afternoon. :P
Sunday, June 17, 2012
For the first time in ages I went to Primark and was surprised how nice most things were. I think this is my biggest Primark haul by far, even though it's little compared to what other people buy there. ;) I absolutely love everything I picked up, all of the pieces are very summery. I hope the weather is going to be kind and we'll have a few sunny, summery weeks, so I can walk through the city wearing my new clothes. :)
Top: 6 € / Jumpsuit: 7 €
T-Shirt: 6 €
Top: 5 € / T-Shirt: 5 €
I'm going to post the more random purchases within the next few days as I don't want to make this post to big/messy. ;)
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Oh, hello!
I've spent part of my spring break in Tenerife and the other half writing assignments for university. I've still got one to go, but I've decided to make today a "not-doing-anything" day. :) I've bought quite a lot of stuff in the past few weeks and might be sharing some of it on here. I've also read "The solitude of Prime Numbers" by Paolo Giardano and will review it in a few days. For now I leave you with my latest purchase:
H&M / 19.95 €
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Beauty haul
Left to right:
p2 Feel Good mineral compact blushes, essence sun club glamour to go eyeshadow, Rival de Loop - Berlin - High Gloss Nail Colour nail polishes, Rival de Loop - Berlin - Nagellack Schnelltrockner Spray, p2 Perfect Face! Anti-Red Base
p2 Feel Good mineral compact blushes, essence sun club glamour to go eyeshadow, Rival de Loop - Berlin - High Gloss Nail Colour nail polishes, Rival de Loop - Berlin - Nagellack Schnelltrockner Spray, p2 Perfect Face! Anti-Red Base
I went to the drugstore to shop a certain collection which I stumbled upon the stores' website. Just my luck, the store I went to didn't have that collection (yet). :( As I can never walk out of a drugstore without buying anything I had a look around the cheap drugstore brands' products and what you see above is what I ended up buying. :)
Left to right:
p2 Feel Good mineral compact blush in 060 charming orange, p2 Feel Good mineral compact blush in 020 sweet rose
I still use my two Manhattan blushers (peach and violet), but as it is such an "every day" product I decided to pick these two up. The camera didn't pick up the colour of the "sweet rose" one very well. It's way lighter and rosé in real life. I'm actually dying to try these out, because they were such a bargain (like all things p2).
The product descriptions states the following about the product:
"Feathery-light blush enriched with minerals - the high content of biominerals has a soothing effect. Used to emphasize and accentuate your cheeks. Skin tolerance dermatologically confirmed."
essence sun club glamour to go eyeshadow in 02 long beach
The colours are quite shimmery which I'm not quite sure about, but I really wanted some orange-y tones, since I have light blue eyes and orange-y eyeshadow works great with it. Sadly, most brands don't really carry orange-tones at the moment.
Rival de Loop - Berlin High Gloss Nail Colour in 65 and 55
I'm terrible with nail polishes. I pick up new ones all the time. Usually I go for pink-ish colours and my pink nail polish collection is ridiculous. So, I decided to go for other colours this time. The RdL polishes are ridiculously cheap. I've already tried the turqouise-green-ish one which... I don't know, I think I have to get used to having such a colour on my nails. The consitency was quite nice, I thought it was a bit better than some of the p2 nail polishes.
I didn't take close-ups of the Rival de Loop Nagellack Schnelltrockner spray (spray that helps your nail polish to dry quicker), but I've already used it and it really works. I applied four coats of nail polish (lol) the other day (base coat - silver - glitter - top coat) and was in a hurry, so I sprayed my nails with it after every layer and it basically saved me from running super late. Yay!
The last thing I've picked up was the p2 Perfect Face! Anti-Red Base. I wanted to try a make up base for a long time, but the only one I came across was from L'Oreal and therefore quiet expensive. So I immediately jumped on the possibility to try out a much cheaper product. I haven't used it yet, but it's supposed to make your face look fresher and hide any redness.
I'm probably trying a lot of these products tomorrow and I'm honestly super excited to use them! :D
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Was sind eure Lieblings-YouTuber/YouTube channels?
What are your favourite YouTubers/YouTube channels?
Meine sind:
Mine are:
Habt ihr Empfehlungen? Was sollte ich mir angucken?
Do you have any recommendations? What should I watch?
Monday, February 6, 2012
Ransom Riggs: Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
Aufmerksam wurde ich auf dieses Buch durch einen Post auf ONTD!. Ratzfatz wurde es bestellt, geliefert und gelesen. Selten war ich so in einer Geschichte gefangen, wie in dieser. Kennt ihr das, wenn ihr ein Buch lest und euer Herz vor Aufregung immer schneller schlägt? Wenn ihr so schnell ihr könnt weiter lest, obwohl ihr eigentlich nicht wollt, dass es zu Ende ist? Es aber doch tut, weil ihr wissen möchtet, wie es ausgeht? So war dieses Buch!
I stumbled across this book on ONTD!. I ordered it within the blink of an eye, it got delivered and was read within two days. Rarely did I get so caught up in a story like with this one. Do you know that feeling when you read a book and your heart start to race? If you try to read as fast as possible, even though you don't want it to end? Yet you want to know how it ends? This was how reading this book was like!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Charles Dickens: Great Expectations
Ich hab dieses Buch zusammen mit The Picture of Dorian Gray von Oscar Wilde und Pride and Prejudice von Jane Austen gekauft. Im Gegensatz zu TPoDG mochte ich Great Expectations überhaupt nicht. Ich hab es eigentlich nur zu Ende gelesen, weil ich es 1) hasse Bücher nicht zu Ende zu lesen und 2) ich finde, dass nicht-zu-Ende-gelesene-Bücher ihren Platz in meinem Bücherregal nicht verdient haben. Ja, es ist Charles Dickens... aber ganz ehrlich, ich dachte die ganze Zeit "jetzt komm doch mal zum Punkt!". Alles war für mich viel zu kleinkariert und detailiert erzählt. Nur das Ende hat mir gefallen. Ich war echt enttäuscht.
I've picked this one up alongside The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde and Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Opposed to TPoDG I didn't like this one. I mainly just finished reading it, because I can't stand not finishing a book, because I feel like they don't deserve their spot in my bookshelf when not finished. Yes, I know it's Charles Dickens... but honestly, throughout the book I kept thinking "okay, can you please get to the point?!". It was quite a bore and far too detailed for my liking. I only liked the end of the book and I was quite disappointed about that.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Vom 14.01.'12 bis zum 18.01.'12 gab's bei Forever XXI kostenlosen Versand für europäische Kunden. Ich wollte schon immer mal etwas bei Forever XXI bestellen und hab mich entschlossen, ein Paar Schmuckstücke zu bestellen. Die Lieferung war super schnell (Samstag bestellt, Dienstag Vormittag erhalten) und ich werde dort bestimmt noch häufiger bestellen.
From 14 Jan 2012 until 18 Jan 2012 Forever XXI offered it's European customers free shipping on all orders. As I wanted to try the XXI online shop for a while, I decided to order a few jewellery pieces. Delivery was super fast (ordered on a Saturday, received the items on Tuesday morning) and I see myself ordering from there again.
Haarband/Headband: 3,90 €, Here!
Kette/Necklace: 1,60 €
Kette/Necklace: 5,90 €
Kette/Necklace: 3,90 €, Here!
Kette/Necklace: 3,90 €, Here!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
School uniform
Zu müde, um irgendwas hierzu zu schreiben. Habe Charles Dickens' Great Expectations fast durchgelesen. Habe auch meine Forever21 Ausbeute fotografiert, kommt die Tage. :)
Too tired to write a proper comment to this photo. Almost finished Charles Dickens' Great Expectations and have a Forever21 haul to share in the next days. :)
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Let's go, Geronimo!
H&M 4,95 €
Eigentlich sollte ich nur Socken für meine Schwester kaufen. Natürlich konnte ich nicht aus H&M raus gehen ohne mir selbst auch etwas zu kaufen. Also griff ich bei dieser süßen Kette zu! Weiß jemand wo man die Federclips für's Haar bekommen kann? Sowas hier, nur in braun mit einer Feder ganz unten dran? Möchte sowas unbedingt für den Frühling/Sommer haben! :)
I was meant to just go to H&M to buy some socks for my sister. Of course I could not get out without buying a little something for myself, too. So I picked up this cute necklace. Does somebody know where I can get these feather-clip-ins for your hair? Something like this, but obviously not in such colours and with feathers down at the end? Desperately wanting those for spring/summer! :)
Friday, January 13, 2012
Stürmische Tage / Stormy days
Das schlechte Wetter ist wirklich nervig. Die Kombination aus Dauerregen und Sturm macht es verdammt schwer sich anzuziehen. Heute entschied ich mich für einen Bodycon-Rock, da der vom Wind nicht hochgeweht werden kann (haha!), 2 Paar Strumpfhosen, 2 Tank Tops übereinander und eine warme Strickjacke. Ob das warm genug ist, weiß ich nicht, aber ich hatte echt keine Lust mehr auf Jeans.
The bad weather is quite annoying. The combination of constant rain and storm makes it hard to decide on an outfit. Today I opted for a bodycon-skirt, because it can't get lifted up by the wind (haha!), 2 pairs of tights, layered two tank tops and topped it of with a cozy sweater. I have no idea weather that's going to keep me warm or not, but I was getting sick of having to wear jeans every day.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Oops, I did it again!
Kleid/Dress: H&M 19,90 € - Blazer: H&M 19,90 €
Ich konnte mich mal wieder nicht von H&M fern halten. Das Kleid erspähte ich als erstes, den Blazer hab ich durch Zufall auf dem Weg zur Umkleidekabine gefunden. Beides passte so gut zusammen... da konnte ich nicht nein sagen! ;)
Once again I didn't manage to stay away from H&M. I spotted the dress first and picked up the blazer while heading to the changing room. Both looked so nice together... I just couldn't say no to it!
Sunday, January 8, 2012
H&M 2,95 €
H&M 4,95 €
H&M soweit das Auge reicht. Aber es gibt dort auch einfach zu viele viel zu schöne Sachen! ;)
H&M everywhere. But their stuff is just too nice, how could I resist? ;)
Friday, January 6, 2012
H&M 14,95 €
H&M 4,95 €
Eigentlich war ich unterwegs, um Deko für mein Schlafzimmer zu ergattern. Da sich dies als ziemlicher Fehlschlag erwies, landete ich (natürlich) irgendwann bei H&M.
I was shopping for decorating items, but didn't find anything I liked. After a while I ended up at H&M and couldn't resist these two basic tops.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
The beauty department
(1) Essence smokey eyes brush, (2) Ebelin make up & powder brush, (3) Maybelline eyestudio lasting drama eye gel eyeliner, (4) Essence quattro eyeshadow (5) Manhattan perfect adapt make up
(1) L'Oréal Paris Elnett de Luxe hairspray, (2) Rituals Cosmetics awareness face foaming cleanser
All diese Sachen habe ich in der letzten Woche gekauft. Ich liebe jedes einzelne Produkt, aber ganz besonders den Eyeliner!
Bought all of these last week. I love every single product, but especially the eyeliner is amazing!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Ich wünsche euch allen ein frohes neues Jahr 2012. Mein neues Jahr hat mit einem Gossip Girl Marathon begonnen. :)
I wish everyone a happy 2012! My new year started with a Gossip Girl marathon! :)
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